Empowering Dossy Volunteers:

The Art of Reassurance…

In the heart of Dossy’s mission to end loneliness and isolation within the ageing community, our volunteers stand as pillars of warmth and connection. For every Dossy User who might initially feel hesitant about reaching out, it’s crucial that we, as volunteers, use our words to reassure them. We’re not just ready to receive their calls; we’re eager and prepared, one touch away from a meaningful conversation. 

Affirmation from the Start

Starting the conversation with affirming language sets a positive tone. Phrases like, “I’m really glad you called today,” or “It’s great to connect with you,” immediately convey warmth and acceptance. It reassures Dossy users that they’re in a safe space, where their call is not just welcomed but anticipated with genuine interest.

Highlighting Volunteer Preparedness

It’s helpful to subtly weave into conversations that all Dossy volunteers undergo comprehensive training. This isn’t just about understanding the technical aspects of the app but, more importantly, about preparing to engage with diverse individuals across the ageing spectrum. You might say, “I’m here because I want to be - ready and trained to make sure this call is as enjoyable for you as it is for me.”

Reiterating the Mission

Reminding users of Dossy’s mission can be a powerful way to reinforce the purpose behind each call. Expressions like, “We’re all part of Dossy’s community, here to ensure no one feels alone,” or “Our chats are steps towards bridging distances and ending isolation,” remind users of the larger goal they’re contributing to by simply making a call.

A Gentle Reminder of Accessibility

Finally, reinforcing the ease of reaching out can encourage more frequent connections. Reminding users, “We’re just one touch away, anytime you need a chat or simply want to share a part of your day,” emphasises the accessibility and readiness of volunteers to engage.

As Dossy volunteers, our words can uplift and reassure. Let's use language that welcomes, teaches, and comforts, making every user feel truly part of the Dossy family. We're here to make everyone, especially first-time callers, feel embraced and valued. Together, we're not just making calls; we're weaving a tight-knit community dedicated to ending loneliness with every word we share.


Leonard's Remarkable Story of Change through Dossy


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