The Dossy Project

Community Connect: Combating social isolation through meaningful video connections

In today's world, where social isolation significantly affects older adults' well-being, the Dossy Project stands out as an innovative beacon of hope. This initiative seeks to harness the transformative power of digital technology and virtual volunteers to combat loneliness and foster social connectedness among the elderly. The Dossy Project's mission is crystal clear: to create a user-friendly platform that not only promotes meaningful interactions but is also co-designed to align with its users' unique needs and capabilities. By focusing on simplicity in design and on-demand connection, the project aims to build genuine relationships, reduce feelings of isolation, and integrate a sense of belonging among older adults within the broader community.

Thanks to ARIIA and our partners for funding and supporting our research.

Ryan Kelly & Kristen Graham talk about why 'Community Connect'

Collaborate for impact

Esis Tawfik, CEO, Ageing with Grace
Esis Tawfik, CEO, Ageing with Grace
Volunteer Organisation

“Dossy is a unique platform to engage with a cohort of volunteers who might otherwise be unable to participate in a volunteer workforce due to their work and other commitments. The flexibility inherent in Dossy has made this possible. Volunteers are able to contribute their time at their convenience, fitting it around their existing obligations, and all they need is a mobile phone, enabling them to participate from the comfort of their homes. Many volunteers have shared that they experienced a profound sense of joy, accomplishment, and increased respect and admiration for our older generation after hearing their stories and learning about their experiences growing up, particularly during wartime. Additionally, the nature of Dossy enables individuals living with disabilities can also volunteer, breaking down barriers that can often hinder their participation in volunteering activities.”

Participant Testimonials

  • Smiling elderly lady

    Tracy, aged 88

    Research Participant

    “They laugh, and they show me about their house. They walk around, and then they show me their wee dog sitting in their lap. It makes me feel good. I feel as if they're with me, they're right there. It's as if they're beside me. And it's a great feeling.”

  • Zachary, Aged 88

    Research Participant

    It's amazing the large number of people on it who had some sort of relationship with Germans. I find that fascinating. It gives a little bit of something you can talk about.”

  • Ruth, Aged 80

    Research Participant

    “The picture is clear. The sound is clear. It makes it a lot easier to hear people because of me being deaf. It has a nice decent-sized screen, bigger than what my phone is. And it was easy to see people and to lip read. I found that was a great help.”

  • Smiling elderly lady

    Tracy, aged 88

    Research Participant

    “I feel this has made me feel more confident. This has made me feel happy. Every single one of them [calls] I've had has been very nice. And a lot of laughter.”

  • Neil, Aged 28

    Volunteer Research Participant

    “I often feel grounded after I speak to these people because one, they've had a longer life, they've experienced more, and two, they grew up in a different era to us. Often I get off the call and I'm like, my problems, they're just not real issues.”

  • Judy, Aged 87

    Research Participant

    “I’m having fun and I’m really enjoying being able to be in contact with the ones overseas. That is just so good. I’ve got a son and daughter-in-law and four grandchildren in Ireland. And I can talk to them more often and see them.”

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