About Dossy

Dossy, my Grandma, would struggle with technology and spend 11 hours alone, never wanting to burden anyone. When I told her that I was creating Dossy and what we aimed to achieve, she said:

My Grandma, Dossy, talking to her daughter in Perth. She was so happy to see her little dog Clancy.
“That’s so lovely, dear. 
Everyone deserves someone to talk to”

Inspired by my grandma Dossy's struggle with loneliness and technology, I created a solution: a simple, accessible platform tailored for those like her. Dossy’s ability to connect was transformed, making each video call a source of joy. This proved that accessible and intuitive technology can enrich lives.

Although she is no longer with us, her legacy lives on through Dossy, bridging generational connections. Now, with a network of virtual volunteers, we ensure no one feels alone, fostering meaningful conversations and laughter, one call at a time.

Dossy is more than a platform—it's a legacy of connection.

Kristen Graham, CEO & Founder