Research for Elder-Friendly Tech

The elderly population is more than just a number - they are our beloved grandparents, parents, and loved ones who have dedicated their lives to us. Yet, they are often overlooked and left behind in our fast-paced, technology-driven world. Social isolation and loneliness are very real issues that seniors face daily, but we can change that.

Credit: The University of Melbourne

By prioritising research and designing technology specifically for seniors, we can create products that meet their unique needs and abilities, allowing them to remain connected and engaged in the world around them. Imagine the joy on their faces when they can easily video chat with their grandchildren after school or talk to a long-lost loved one who lives overseas without having to navigate time zones. For seniors whose social networks have declined due to bereavement or distance, one-tap video calls with a volunteer matched on availability, language, and shared interests can bring immense comfort and a renewed sense of connection to the world.

While these may seem like small conveniences to us, they can make all the difference to our seniors. The happiness and warmth that come with these simple pleasures can provide them with a lifeline to the outside world and the people they love.

Investing in UI/UX research and design is crucial for any tech company that wants to create successful products that meet the needs and expectations of their customers. And for our seniors, research conducted by Dossy's partners at the University of Melbourne has had and will continue to have a profound impact on their quality of life. It can help reduce social isolation and loneliness, which can lead to improved physical & mental health, and enable them to maintain their independence and autonomy.

Dossy was created with a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by seniors, using human-centred design principles with empathy and compassion at the forefront of our work. For Kristen Graham, Dossy was more than just a project; it was initially built to help them better connect with each other and is now a way to honour her grandmother's legacy. Dossy is not just a product; it is a tribute to the woman who gave so much to her family and community.

Dossy, my Grandma, was always in the centre of everything we created.

This was our first attempt at the User Interface and User Experience Designs - created over 'Hot & Strong, Just like I like my Men' Coffee with my Grandma

(How my Grandma ordered her coffee)

Through countless hours of research, testing, and refinement, we created a platform that was not only easy to use but tailored to the unique needs of seniors. And when we saw the joy and excitement on the faces of those who were able to connect with loved ones, even in the midst of a pandemic, we knew we had achieved something truly special.

Dossy is more than just video calling software - it's a symbol of hope and connection in a world that can often feel lonely and isolating. By prioritising human-centred design and embracing empathy and compassion, we can create technology that truly improves the lives of our seniors, helping them to live longer, more meaningful lives.

Join us in building a more connected and fulfilling future for all. Let's strive to create a world where our seniors can thrive and live with dignity and respect. Thank you to our team and partners for their unwavering support and expertise in making Dossy safe, intuitive, and fit for purpose. If you want to learn more about our research and outcomes or are interested in implementing Dossy in your loved one's home or aged care facility, please reach out. We would be thrilled to share our learnings and help make a difference in their lives.

Kristen Graham

Kristen Graham, a nurse with a big heart for technology, created Dossy, a friendly video-calling app to help older adults stay connected more easily. She was inspired to develop Dossy after her experiences with her grandmother made her realise the need for simple, accessible communication tools. Kristen's approachable and practical innovation reflects her deep care for enhancing daily life for older individuals.


Video app helps reduce isolation in-home care pilot


Bridging the Digital Divide: