Bridging the Digital Divide:

Eleanor, 87, video calling her grandchildren from the other side of the world

In today's fast-paced digital world, staying connected has never been more critical. Yet, for many older people, the rapid advancement of technology feels more like a barrier than a bridge. The challenge of digital illiteracy among this demographic is more than just an inconvenience; it's a gap that can lead to isolation and a sense of disconnection from loved ones. This is where Dossy steps in, not just as a solution but as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that technology, designed with empathy, can unite generations.

Understanding the Challenge

Recent studies indicate that nearly one-third of adults over 65 find it challenging to use digital devices, citing complex interfaces and fear of making mistakes as primary barriers. This digital divide hampers their ability to engage in the simple joy of a video call with grandchildren and affects their access to virtual care.

Introducing Dossy: A Solution Crafted with Empathy

Dossy stands out in the tech landscape as a user-friendly platform co-designed to bridge this divide. By prioritising simplicity, Dossy makes technology accessible to everyone, regardless of their tech-savviness. Here’s how:

  • Simplified Interface: Dossy features a clean, intuitive interface with large, easy-to-read buttons and straightforward navigation, making it less intimidating for first-time users.

  • Intuitive Experience: Every feature of Dossy comes with clear instructions, guiding users through processes like making a video call, ending the call or calling someone new from the Dossy community, ensuring they never feel lost.

  • Customisable Experience: Understanding that one size does not fit all, Dossy allows users to customise their community experience, adjusting settings to suit their interests and preferences.

  • Zero Support: Dossy provides a comprehensive social support plan, which includes setup, device and data plans, remote device management, and support. All are delivered to your door, and you need only plug into power and tap to start connecting.

Making Connections That Matter

The impact of Dossy extends beyond just making technology accessible; it's about fostering meaningful connections. Take the case of Eleanor, an 82-year-old widow who, before Dossy, had never used a smart device. Within weeks of being introduced to Dossy, she was making video calls and chatting with her grandchildren who live on the other side of the world. "Dossy has brought my family closer," she shares. I don't feel left out anymore and know exactly when to call."

Beyond the Individual: Strengthening Family Bonds

Dossy’s influence reaches all family members. By providing an easy-to-use platform, it encourages more frequent interactions, sharing of moments, and strengthening of bonds across distances and generations.

In a world where digital literacy is increasingly essential, Dossy emerges as a vital tool that connects and enriches the lives of older adults and their families. By breaking down the barriers of technology, Dossy is not just bridging the digital divide; it's creating a world where age is no barrier to connection.

This commitment to inclusivity and connection is at the heart of Dossy's mission. As we move forward, we continue to listen, adapt, and innovate, ensuring that no one is left behind as the digital world evolves. 

Join us in this journey, and let's connect every generation, one Dossy user at a time.

Kristen Graham

Kristen Graham, a nurse with a big heart for technology, created Dossy, a friendly video-calling app to help older adults stay connected more easily. She was inspired to develop Dossy after her experiences with her grandmother made her realise the need for simple, accessible communication tools. Kristen's approachable and practical innovation reflects her deep care for enhancing daily life for older individuals.


Research for Elder-Friendly Tech


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