15 minutes a week can make a huge difference:

A Call to Action for Community Involvement in Elderly Care.

Credit: HelloCare Editorial Team

In an open letter that strikes a chord with the hearts of many, Megan, a 32-year-old mother and school psychologist from South-western Sydney, shared her touching journey towards wanting to volunteer with the elderly. Her story, marked by genuine compassion and the simple yet profound desire to offer companionship to those in their twilight years, is a poignant reminder of the isolated realities many of our older Australians face daily. Megan’s narrative is a personal revelation and a call to action for communities to step forward and bridge the generational gap, enriching lives across the age spectrum.

Megan's experiences, from her interactions with the elderly in local shopping centres to her attempts to volunteer at nursing homes, emphasise a critical gap in our social fabric: the need for more structured opportunities for community members to engage with our elderly population. The silence from nursing homes in response to her offer of voluntary companionship—save for a redirect to an employment page—highlights a systemic oversight in recognising and facilitating the invaluable contributions volunteers like Megan are eager to make.

Platforms like Dossy play a crucial role within this context. Dossy, an innovative community engagement platform, offers a unique solution to Megan and many others' challenges in finding meaningful ways to connect with the elderly. By facilitating connections between volunteers and older Australians needing companionship, Dossy provides a streamlined, accessible avenue for making these critical human connections.

For Megan and others with a heart for service, joining Dossy could open the door to fulfilling volunteer opportunities that match their desire to provide companionship, share stories, and engage in simple joys like playing card games or enjoying the outdoors with those with decades of wisdom and experience. Dossy’s platform can help transform Megan’s—and many others’—good intentions into impactful actions, ensuring that the elderly in our communities feel valued, loved, and connected.

Dossy’s approach aligns seamlessly with Megan’s professional background in psychology and her mission of service. By leveraging her skills and passions, Megan can contribute to enriching the lives of the elderly while also exposing her daughters to the importance of empathy, community service, and the invaluable lessons that can only be learned through intergenerational connections.

In response to Megan’s open letter and her call for a companionship program that is easily accessible to community members, Dossy stands as a beacon of hope and a practical step towards making such aspirations a reality. It encourages not just Megan but all of us to take active steps in reaching out to the elderly in our communities. Through platforms like Dossy, we can create a society where no elderly person sits alone in their room, feeling forgotten, but instead feels a part of a vibrant, caring community.

Megan’s story powerfully reminds us of the difference one individual can make. With Dossy, we can multiply that impact, fostering a culture of care, respect, and love for our elders.

Let’s join hands in making Megan’s vision come to life: one call, one conversation, one shared laugh at a time.


Kristen Graham

Kristen Graham, a nurse with a big heart for technology, created Dossy, a friendly video-calling app to help older adults stay connected more easily. She was inspired to develop Dossy after her experiences with her grandmother made her realise the need for simple, accessible communication tools. Kristen's approachable and practical innovation reflects her deep care for enhancing daily life for older individuals.


Bridging the Digital Divide: